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  • Writer's pictureChattykiddo


Check out these very practical tips on how to best encourage and mold life long motivation in young and older children according to Michaeleen Doucleff's "Hunt, Gather, Parent". If you haven't read this easy to digest parenting book with even easier to implement parenting strategies all of us can use- give it a try! So much valuable advise on learning to be a less stressed parent and, most importantly, on raising more cooperative and happier children!

Here are just some tips you might find useful:

- Always point out your child's helpfulness

- Acknowledge unhelpful behavior as well

- Connect helpfulness to maturity

- Practice praise- free days (just like issuing too much (constructive) criticism, giving too much praise is ineffective)

- Explain the value the task holds for the entire family (LOVE this one!)

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