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Being "social" is so much more than our ability to use words and play together. We are "social" when patiently waiting for our turn to go on a slide, social again when we are able to look at and listen to another, we are also incredibly social when simply smiling to another human at a traffic light. So when does being social start then? Well, actually, the various earlier (think eye gaze) and more sophisticated (conversing with someone) social skills start to accumulate on the day we are born when we find our caregiver's eyes for the very first time! For children having difficulties in this important area of communicating and relating we are currently screening for our social skills groups. 


Don't miss this opportunity to enroll your child into a meaningful social language program ran by an expert. The skills learned in our groups will help hone those crucial social and academic abilities every child needs to thrive outside the familiar home environment. After all our social communication skills are the building blocks needed to function in the very complex world every day, in every situation, and across lifespan. 

If you have more questions about this service please email



©2019 by Chattykiddo Pediatric Therapy Inc

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