Payne says in his book ‘Simplicity parenting’: “A smaller, more manageable quantity of toys invites deeper play and engagement. An avalanche of toys invites emotional disconnect and a sense of overwhelm”. Though it may sound contradictory at first, this statement couldn’t be more true. Most of us live a life of overwhelming consumerism with the idea that the more we have the better. We like to buy more things even if we don’t really need them. This is one of the reasons our children end up having too many toys and a very short attention span. But it’s great to have so many choices, right? Wrong. With a little bit of analysis you will see that many of the toys sold in stores and online are attractive but educationally poor. Take a closer look into your toy box. Which toys do you feel truly help wire your little one’s brain to think, learn, problem solve and which toys just look attractive and “busy” yet have little play and learning value? Some of the best toys you can purchase for your child are often the least expansive and foster the most brain power! Think basic blocks, play doh, animal figurines, ball, and bubbles. Your older children should spend less time in their iPads and more time physically exploring the real world, interacting with people, drawing, building, engaging in anything that ignites creativity and social interaction.